Your risk for divorce may be lower than you feared

We have all heard the statistic many times—that approximately half of all marriages eventually end up in divorce. However, this is only part of the story, therefore the correct statistic is that it depends. Your socio-economic class, educational level, race, and employment status all contribute to your risk for divorce.

Divorce rates peaked in the 1970’s and early 80’s, but have been on an overall decline since then. At the present time we are closer to a one-third failure rate—which isn’t great, but definitely moving in the right direction. However, you could actually have a higher or lower risk than the average, due to a number of factors.

Those who went as far as a high school diploma have a higher divorce rate that those who have completed college or have an advanced degree.

If you are white, your risk of divorce is lower than it is for African-Americans. Hispanics have a lower risk than White non-Hispanics, and Asians have the lowest rate of all groups. Native Americans have the highest divorce rate of all races.

It isn’t difficult to take a step back from this breakdown and see two common themes—financial well-being and religious affiliation. After all, if you are well-educated, you are more likely to have secure and more lucrative employment. If you are from a religion (such as Catholicism) where divorce is heavily frowned upon, you are less likely to consider divorce to be an option that is open to you. If you are in a minority group that has statistically lower rates of education and employment, money will be a big concern and impact on your life and relationships.

Let’s face it, financial security or lack of it have a huge impact on our emotional and physical well-being, overall stability, and on our relationships. This is why it is so important to focus on your own goals and to work towards a job or career that offers stability and opportunity for continued growth and financial security. It is also important to take a potential partner’s finances into account before making a commitment to marriage/children. It may seem very unromantic, but it’s important to choose not just with your heart, but with your head.

Author: Toni Coleman

Toni Coleman, LCSW, CMC is an internationally recognized dating and relationship expert and founder of Her expertise is sought frequently by local and national publications and top ranked dating and relationship websites and she has been a guest on a number of radio and TV programs. She is the featured relationship coach in “The Business and Practice of Coaching,” (Norton, September 2005); the author of the forward for, “Winning Points with the Woman in Your Life, One Touchdown at a Time;” (Simon and Schuster, November 2005) - and her popular relationship articles can be found in several magazines and a number of self- help, personal growth and dating/relationship websites. Toni holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work, is a licensed psychotherapist in the state of Virginia, and earned a certification in life coaching.

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