The New York Times best ever love columns

A decade ago, the New York Times began running a modern love column feature in its Sunday Style section. To date there are more than 500—and the Times decided to look back and see which ones were the most popular with readers. The authors whose columns were selected were as different as their stories. They included a wife and mother, a marketing engineer an actress and a college student—ranging in age from 18-80. Yet readers were moved to tears, laughter, and everything in-between.

They wrote about what it takes to have a happy marriage, about couples who have fallen out of love, about how to rekindle love, how to find love in the first place, about how age doesn’t have to hold you back, about the new modern family (whatever that is), about being loved just for who you are—and a few others that are sure to please.

If I’ve provoked your curiosity, you can read this delightful piece that includes all of these columns. It just might help you to shift your perspective a bit as we enter the end of one year and contemplate what we would like to have in the one ahead. Go here to have a wonderful read and enjoy!