Seals and the passion for “real men”

Since the May 1st storming of bin Laden’s compound and subsequent death, all executed by SEAL team 6- there’s a new heartthrob out there- the SEAL. These men are an elite fighting force, the strongest and most fearless warriors in the US- and women everywhere are humming, “I need a hero.”

What is the attraction to a very masculine, strong, and fearless guy? Essentially, it all goes back to biology. Women are programmed to seek out men who can take care of them, protect them- and most of all, protect their young. Think about it- all those romance novels that sell so well, the popularity of the moonlight movies and vampire books, action movies featuring cartoon super heroes, and real-life ones like Harrison Ford, Hugh Jackman, Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Sylvester Stallone. What’s the common denominator? Strong, well-toned bodies, heroic acts in the face of great danger, winning against the evil and dangerous bad guys and always rescuing the woman in distress. It’s enough to make every red blooded woman swoon.

I predict a plethora of books and movies coming out that feature SEALS saving the day, the country, and the woman. Seals will join the ranks of leading men in the fantasies of women everywhere. Move over Arnie, Sylvester, and Hugh- there’s a new breed of hero in town.

Author: Toni Coleman

Toni Coleman, LCSW, CMC is an internationally recognized dating and relationship expert and founder of Her expertise is sought frequently by local and national publications and top ranked dating and relationship websites and she has been a guest on a number of radio and TV programs. She is the featured relationship coach in “The Business and Practice of Coaching,” (Norton, September 2005); the author of the forward for, “Winning Points with the Woman in Your Life, One Touchdown at a Time;” (Simon and Schuster, November 2005) - and her popular relationship articles can be found in several magazines and a number of self- help, personal growth and dating/relationship websites. Toni holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work, is a licensed psychotherapist in the state of Virginia, and earned a certification in life coaching.

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